
community action

People with Down syndrome and their families have long awaited comprehensive, meaningful measures to harness their strengths and address their needs.  They have hoped for change and often been disappointed by the ways systems and services have resisted the suggestions of our various representatives.  Rather than waiting any longer, it is time for the Down syndrome community to take action to define, design and demonstrate the feasibility of the reforms it has long required.  

For over 20 years, the Board Members of the Down Syndrome Foundation have watched as individual Down syndrome organizations and communities have operated in isolation, at local and provincial levels. The result of these uncoordinated and intermittent efforts is that the services to people with Down syndrome have not evolved to match their needs.  Our first mandate is to bring the numerous groups and communities together to create a strong collective voice for individuals, families, and communities. As a charitable organization, we recognize our responsibility and the influence we have to make a positive impact.

We focus our community action efforts on several key areas:
icon for education


icon for health


icon for advocacy


icon for community


icon for research


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Join us in our mission to create a more inclusive society. Explore career opportunities and be a part of our team. Together, we can empower and make a positive impact on the lives of people with Down syndrome and their families.

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